

其实,雅思口语话题每次更换30%-40%的题是正常情况,所以不需要把5个Part的题库都过一遍。 那么问题就是,如何确定这50来个题目究竟是“替换”还是“新题”呢,下面我教大家1个非常简单的方法! 首先,我们打开雅思官网(http://www.ielts.org),找到右边这个list of IELTS Speaking Topics&Answers(下图1中的黄色部分)

图1 然后,我们把小黄书里面的内容全部复制到EXCEL里面(下图2) 图2 我们对每个part的题目进行编号(下图3) 图3 最后,我们在小站教育APP(手机软件)里添加一个笔记,名称叫做“真题库”,然后把所有题目复制进去(下图4) 图4 小站教育的APP里有个功能叫“智能审题”,当我们点击每一道题时,它都会自动识别该题的答案,这时我们只需点击答题区,APP会自动把我们刚才复制的题目答案依次填充出来(下图5) 图5 这个方法简单吧~~~小伙伴们赶紧试一下~预祝烤鸭们取得理想成绩哦!


Do you like to change?

Yes , I really enjoy changing . For example , every few weekends , I would take the whole day out to do something fun and different because I think variety is the spice of life . So I would even change my wardrobe or hair style every now and then . I think change is necessary to bring about progress . As human beings , we should always be seeking to improve and evolve ourselves .

If you have a chance , would you change something about yourself?

Well , if I could change one thing about myself , that would be my short temper . I tend to get angry quickly . This has affected many aspects in my life , including studying and relationships with friends . Of course , I have been trying to change . For example , when I am in a situation where I would normally lose my temper , I would force myself to relax . I even keep a piece of paper on my desk to remind myself to stay calm . I think I have got better .
