加拿大是一个多民族国家,官方统计有600多种民族特征(cultures),1.37亿人里(2014年数据),有35%是白人,40%原住民,19%亚洲人,4%拉美裔及其他。其中白人有不同民族的区分,例如苏格兰裔、爱尔兰裔和法裔等;土著居民分很多部落,如印第安人就有十几个部落,每个部落又有很多氏族;亚洲人中28%是华裔,其他多为韩裔或日裔;而拉丁美洲后裔则主要是墨西哥裔。 这里的人普遍认同自己是“加拿大人”。对于不同种族来源的人,这个称呼毫无疑义。如果说到某一特定群体,才用族裔名称。 所以,问一个来自中国加拿大的华人是哪个民族是没有意义的,应该问他是华裔还是非华裔。
至于华裔,可以分为新移民和华裔二代。作为新移民的华裔,一般来说都保留了中国文化和习惯,并且知道自己是中国人。他们绝大多数都能说汉语,有的人还会写中文。这些人都属于同一个民族:Chinesecanadian。 这个词在Google上搜索一下,就能看到这个词在百科上的定义: “Chinese canadians are Canadian citizens who identify themselves as such and who are of Chinese ethnic origins or descent. The majority of Chinese Canadians live in the provinces of British Columbia, Ontarioand Quebec.... They have a strong cultural bond with China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Macau and other East Asian countries, despite being born outside those places. A minority of Chinese immigrants have roots in Southeast Asia and South Asia but they together make up less than five percent of all Chinese Canadians. In Canada, over one million people identified their ethnic origin as Chinese (or 3.0 per cent of the total population) in the 2016 census. Of this number, approximately 800,000 people were first-generation immigrants while another 200,000 reported having at least one parent who was born in China, although not necessarily in mainland China。
我看过一个华裔女子骂别人“you dirty kimchee!”(你脏兮兮的泡菜!),也听过一个男子气急败坏地骂人“go back to fukking Japan!”(滚回日本去!) 如果有人问他们民族时,他们肯定说自己Canadian。所以,题目中的这个问题就没什么意义了。一个人是哪个民族的,这本身就很清楚,不说明也没啥关系,因为每个人都觉得自己是全世界最特殊的那个。