


1. 雅思官方指南书P108 Examine the sample questions in this book and notice how question forms vary from topic to topic (Chapter 12). You will find that some questions ask you to identify a speaker’s opinion or attitude towards something, while others ask about factual information(第3段划线部分). Some may even require you to make numerical calculations based on what you hear. Note too that the questions become more difficult as you advance through the sections of the test – there is only one easy question per section. In other words the trickle of easy ones becomes a torrent towards the end of the exam(第4段划线部分). This is to ensure that your best listening skills are being tested over the entire duration of the assessment.

2. 雅思哥(口语和写作)App里的范例听抄中,有范文及题目分析,以及考试题目汇总。(强烈推荐雅思哥这个APP,里面有很多高质量真题范文以及解析,还有最棒的考经回忆,界面清晰,使用方便) 例: 剑桥系列真题集11的样题(P73-5) 同样是剑11的样题(P69) 还是该书的样题(同上)

3. 小站教育的网站里也有往年的雅思口语和写作的考题及评分标准讲解。 【口语】 【写作】


一般来说,剑4--剑8,每套题目听力部分有4个section。前面的section1, section2基本可以作为模拟练习的材料,而且雅思听力考试中出现的内容也基本集中在section1,2 中,而后面的section3 、section4对于准备托福的同学作用不大。 所以建议:剑4--剑8 的section 1-2中的题目,每次2-3套,计时(根据section 决定考试时间,比如section1如果12道题,时间是20分钟左右,section2,24道题目,时间是30分钟左右)完成后,再仔细研究正确答案。

